Houston BOMA Celebrates 90 Years of Shaping Commercial Real Estate

Posted By: Shannon R. Roberts Awards & Recognition, Events & Programs,

The Houston Building Owners and Managers Association (Houston BOMA) celebrated its 90th Anniversary on June 13, 2024, with 200 attendees in an evening of reflection on its impact on commercial real estate and the property management profession.

The celebration began with a glimpse into 1934, when Houston BOMA was founded. Master of Ceremonies and award-winning speaker Peter Merrett shared how Houston and its skyline began to take shape, and skilled commercial property management professionals created Houston BOMA. The Leadership Lyceum, the organization’s development program for future leaders, researched Houston BOMA’s founding and provided displays of historical artifacts dating all the way back to its first meeting.

Peter Merrett making opening announcements at the 90th Anniversary Celebration.
Peter Merrett making opening announcements at the 90th Anniversary Celebration.
A table with many cards on itDescription automatically generated
A display of pamphlets from BOMA conferences dating back to the 1950’s.

The program also honored nine life members and 82 past presidents of Houston BOMA who shaped the commercial real estate profession, not just in Houston, but nationwide. This included Eugene Barbles and Lloyd Sudduth, who created the beginnings of today’s Real Property Administrator (RPA) program, and Fred Whitty, who developed the curriculum that is now the System Maintenance Administrator/Systems Maintenance Technician (SMA/SMT) program. The RPA and SMA/SMT Programs are among the nation’s leading designations for property managers and building engineers.

Houston BOMA past presidents and life members in attendance.
Houston BOMA past presidents and life members in attendance. 
President Adam Rose, Hines, City Council Members Mario Castillo (District H), Julian Ramirez (At-Large 1), Dr. Letitia Plummer (At-Large 4), and Fred Flickinger (District E), and Houston BOMA CEO Bradley Elliott.
President Adam Rose, Hines, City Council Members Mario Castillo (District H), Julian Ramirez (At-Large 1), Dr. Letitia Plummer (At-Large 4), and Fred Flickinger (District E), and Houston BOMA CEO Bradley Elliott.

Tributes were given by special guests from the City of Houston and BOMA International. Alan Roman, Director of Public Engagement for District A, presented Houston BOMA with a certificate of recognition on behalf of City Council Member and Vice Mayor Pro-Tem Amy Peck. City Council Members Mario Castillo (District H), Fred Flickinger (District E), Dr. Letitia Plummer (At-Large 4), and Julian Ramirez (At-Large 1) also joined to show their support. BOMA International’s Vice President of Association Services & Publications Hakan Ozsancak presented a proclamation from BOMA International declaring June 13, 2024, as Houston BOMA Day.

CEO Bradley Elliott and President Adam Rose, Hines, with Hakan Ozsancak of BOMA International.
CEO Bradley Elliott and President Adam Rose, Hines, with Hakan Ozsancak of BOMA International.
President Adam Rose, Hines, and CEO Bradley Elliott with Alan Roman of Houston City Council District A office.

President Adam Rose, Hines, and CEO Bradley Elliott with Alan Roman of Houston City Council District A office.

Finally, Merrett and Houston BOMA CEO Bradley Elliott, MBA, CAE, ended the ceremonies with a champagne toast to Houston BOMA’s over 1,200 members, countless friends, and past leaders for their contributions over the last 90 years.

CEO Bradley Elliott and Master of Ceremonies Peter Merrett share a toast.
CEO Bradley Elliott and Master of Ceremonies Peter Merrett share a toast.
Attendees toast to Houston BOMA.

Attendees toast to Houston BOMA.

Throughout the festivities, Dinner Sponsor PJS provided hearty appetizers and delectable desserts, while Beverage Sponsors Taxana Roofing & Waterproofing, Landscape USA, and Firetron kept the drinks flowing with an open bar. Entertainment and photography to commemorate the event were made possible by Photo Booth Sponsor Tadco Roofing & Waterproofing and Networking Sponsor Chamberlin Roofing & Waterproofing.

Attendees visit the photo booth sponsored by Tadco Roofing & Waterproofing.
Attendees visit the photo booth sponsored by Tadco Roofing & Waterproofing.
Attendees visit the buffet sponsored by PJS.

Attendees visit the buffet sponsored by PJS.

Houston BOMA would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Peter Merrett, Hakan Ozsancak, City Council Members Mario Castillo, Fred Flickinger, Dr. Letitia Plummer, and Julian Ramirez, City Council Staff Members Rachel Maxcy (District G) and Alan Roman, the Leadership Lyceum, and each of our sponsors for being part of our special day.

See all the photos in our Flickr album here.

For more information, contact Houston BOMA Director of Communications and Marketing Shannon Roberts, CAE, at sroberts@houstonboma.org.