Building Engineering Management 101 (BEM 101)

About Building Engineering Management 101

What is Building Engineering Management (BEM) 101?

Created by Houston BOMA's most knowledgeable members, BEM 101 gives building engineers a high-level overview of engineering best practices, risk management, and regulatory compliance, and goes beyond maintenance by providing students with a deeper understanding of all aspects of property management and effective communication skills that will help further their careers. The three-part course is held once a week for just three weeks, making it easier than ever to achieve professional development with minimal time away from work.

Our member rate for this course will be extended to all engineers within our member buildings to make it as accessible as possible to engineers in our network.

Our next course is scheduled for October 15, 22, & 29, 2025. Registration is now open! 

Register Now

Program Curriculum


Students will learn about:

  • Ownership types, real estate investment and strategies, building designations, roles and responsibilities of property personnel, engineer value-adds, communication and reporting tools, customer service, etc. 
  • Budget development, expense monitoring, lease administration, and leasing
    Regulatory compliance and risk mitigation and management through the governing of your properties, including but not limited to standards of OSHA, HFD, and NFPA 
  • Basics of effective communication, verbal and nonverbal communication, how to deal with confrontation, guidelines for written communication, and the importance of personal appearance and manners
  • BOMA and member benefits, and educational programs offered by BOMI International


What former Building Engineering Management participants had to say about the program:

  • "The course has given me a different perspective of an engineering department's role and the greater purpose it serves within the real estate industry!"
  • "It helped further my knowledge of commercial real estate and made me want to engage with my supervisors more based upon the learning we discussed while in class."
  • "BEM101 was very helpful in aiding my understanding of general building operations outside of my day-to-day tasks."
  • "I left with a better understanding of how building operations plays a key role in aiding the bottom line."
  • "There was so much great information provided with enough flexibility in the course offerings that better allowed me to schedule the class into my workday, and not my workday around my class. Thank you, BOMA!"

Questions? Contact Director of Membership, Business Development, and Education, Natalia Lara, at for more information.