BOMI Designation Courses (RPA, FMA, SMA, SMT)

Help Us Track Your Educational Journey

If you're working toward a BOMI Designation, we want to support you every step of the way! Here's how you can help us keep track of your progress:

  • Complete the BOMI Release Form: Fill out the BOMI release form and e-mail it to Janie Shallow at
  • Submit the BOMI Education Progress Survey: This survey helps us identify the courses you've completed and plan future offerings to ensure you meet your educational goals and designation requirements. 

About BOMI Designation Courses

Houston BOMA partners with BOMI International to offer courses and professional designations for property managers, facility managers and building engineers. Throughout the commercial property industry, a BOMI designation is recognized as a mark of distinction; an emblem of achievement backed by BOMI’s more than 40 years of excellence in developing and offering advanced education programs.
Each BOMI International designation program offers time-tested courses with a proven curriculum designed by industry experts for property and facility management professionals. Those who complete a designation program gain a deep understanding of how to increase the value of properties and/or operate facilities at peak efficiency, and are able to apply this knowledge to their everyday jobs. Many designation courses have also been approved toward maintaining your LEED, CFM, CPM, CCIM, and other industry credentials.

Houston BOMA offers courses that apply to the following BOMI designations:

  • Real Property Administrator (RPA)—Ideal for those who manage a single building or a portfolio of real estate assets with emphasis on building systems, risk management, brokerage, and enhancing overall financial performance of the asset.
  • Facilities Management Administrator (FMA)—Ideal for those who manage a facility from the user’s perspective, either as a tenant or an owner of the facility, where you are responsible for the care, comfort, and productivity of your employees by maintaining building systems, technology, furniture systems, and daily maintenance. 
  • Systems Maintenance Administrator (SMA)—Ideal for those who manage the people who run building systems. SMAs ensure that the building systems run efficiently, both from an energy use and tenant comfort standpoint, as well maintain all aspects of a building or facility, including HVAC, electrical systems, plumbing, and hardware. 
  • Systems Maintenance Technician (SMT)—Ideal for those who operate and maintain major building systems such as HVAC, electrical, and plumbing.

Learn More About BOMI Designations

Upcoming BOMI Courses Offered by Houston BOMA

Register for Our Upcoming BOMI Designation Courses

Additional Designation Details

  • Have your CPM? Get your RPA by completing just 4 courses and the Capstone Experience Exam. Learn more and download the application here.
  • As of January 2021, BOMI has shifted to a new Capstone Program. Read more about the new program here.
  • For more info about these courses, call BOMI International at (410) 974-1410 or email  
  • Invoice policy: Educational courses may be invoiced but must be paid two weeks prior to the course date or the student will forfeit the registration.

Questions? Contact our Manager of Member Services and Education, Janie Shallow, at or by calling 713-266-5691.