2025 Houston BOMA Expo
Exhibitor Information

Below you will find all of the information you need to successfully participate in the show. Please read these guidelines in full, even if you have exhibited before, as they may have changed. 

Booth Registration Instructions

Booths can be purchased on our website according to the following schedule:

  • January 14 - Booths On Sale for past 2024 Exhibitors (Check e-mail for access code)
  • January 21 - Booths On Sale for All Houston BOMA Members (Check e-mail for access code)
  • January 28 - Booths On Sale to the Public 

Vendors and service providers may NOT attend the show unless they are exhibiting at the show. 

All booth staff must have a booth staff pass. All representatives of exhibiting companies must wear BOMA-provided identification badges while on the exhibit floor and must be employed by the exhibiting member company. No person without a name badge will be allowed on the showroom floor on the day of the Expo. 

Standard 10x10 booths include passes for 2 booth representatives; 10x20 silver sponsor booths include 4 passes; and 20x20 gold sponsor booths include 6 passes. Additional passes are available for purchase during registration.

A Certficiate of Insurance (COI) must be provided with booth registration. Certificates of insurance must name Houston Building Owners and Managers Association as additional insured, providing general liability with a minimum bodily injury of $250,000 per person and $500,000 per occurrence and property damage liability of $100,000 per occurrence and $500,000 general aggregate coverage. You must contact your general liability insurance carrier to obtain a Certificate of Insurance.

Register for Expo

Exhibitor Checklist/Additional Supplies

Please reach out to the appropriate contacts below to purchase additional items for your booth, such as electricity, internet, food/beverages, furnishings, and more:

Food/Beverage Orders (Outside food and beverages not permitted): Levy

Telecommunications, Internet, Electrical & Utilities, Audio/visual: Smart City (Exclusive Vendor) 

Booth Furniture/Furnishings, Carpeting, Booth Services: Freeman Exhibition Company 

**Any unpaid balances for services provided will be turned over to a collection agency and will risk being restricted from exhibiting in future Houston BOMA Expos.

You are will need to use your own provider for: 

  • Promotional items and/or giveaways - plan for about 750 property management attendees
  • Floral/horticulture orders 

Exhibitor Set-Up and Event Schedule

  • Exhibitor Set-up: Wednesday, May 14, 2:30 – 8:00 PM
    • Booths must be set up the day prior to the Expo. Access to the loading dock will not be available on the day of the Expo.
    • Parking will be available in the Lot 4 parking lot at the loading dock behind George R. Brown Convention Center, Hall D, from 2:30 pm -8:00 pm.
  • 2025 Expo: Thursday, May 15, 2:00 - 7:00 pm
    • Exhibitors are allowed in the hall beginning at 12:00 noon. Access to the loading dock will not be available on the day of the Expo.
    • Parking will be available in the Lot 4 parking lot at the loading dock behind George R. Brown Convention Center, Hall D, from 12:00 pm -9:00 pm on May 15.
  • Exhibitor Tear-down: Immediately After Expo, Thursday, May 15, 7:00 – 9:00 PM

2025 Houston BOMA Expo Guidelines

Regulations and Conditions of Contract

The Houston BOMA Guidelines for Display Rules and Regulations is intended to be used as a resource for exhibitors and Show Management in creating consistent and fair exhibiting standards for the organization’s events. The text has been updated with the intent of affording exhibitors a maximum return on the exhibit investments. Compliance with fire, safety, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and other government requirements have also been addressed.

It is Houston BOMA’s goal that by establishing these Regulations and Conditions of Contract, each exhibitor shall be provided with all the information necessary to properly design and build exhibits, as well as plan their booth’s layout and content. Information regarding the professional standards of decorum expected of exhibitors can be found below. Our goal is to assure all exhibitors, regardless of exhibit size or location, an environment conducive to successful interaction with their audiences.

Please read all rules, regulations, and contract conditions before submitting your application. All sales are final. No refunds.

Contract for Space

By submitting an application for exhibit space, the applicant releases the Houston Building Owners and Managers Association and its agents from any and all liabilities to applicant, its agent, licensees, or employees that may arise or be asserted as a result of submission of an application or of participation in this exhibit. Houston BOMA determines the eligibility of any company or product for exhibit. Acceptance of application does not imply endorsement by Houston BOMA of the applicant’s products, nor does rejection imply lack of merit of product or manufacturer.

This application for space (when endorsed by Houston BOMA with notice of space assignment) constitutes a contract for the right to use the space. Rental for space is payable with this application. No refund may be made for space that is not used or for space that is unused during part of the exhibit. Houston BOMA may rent or use it without obligation or refund.


Booths are 10-feet wide by 10-feet deep unless otherwise indicated on floor plan. Booths of uniform design flame-proofed drapes with tubular aluminum framing will be supplied. Background height is 8 feet, divider height is 36 inches. Electricity hook-ups, internet, and carpet are NOT included, but may be purchased separately.


We will provide security from 3:00 PM the day of move-in until the end of the BOMA Expo. It should be made clear, however, that although Houston BOMA is providing this service, we are not responsible for any loss of material by an exhibitor. We urge you to take every precaution to prevent loss or damage. Obtain proper insurance coverage for your goods from the time your shipment leaves your office, during move in, on show days, during move out, and until all materials have been returned to their point of origin.

Attendee Information

It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to collect contact information from Expo attendees. It is Houston BOMA policy that we do not release member email or telephone contact information.


Exhibits may not project beyond the space allotted or interfere with traffic to exhibits of others.

Exhibit spaces exceeding four booths located adjacent to one another or across the aisle from one another may not exceed the 8 feet height limitation that has been prescribed for other areas unless the plans for such installation have been approved in writing by Houston BOMA at least 60 days prior to the show.

Background fixtures and showcases up to 8 feet in height may be installed in the exhibit space to a distance of 4 feet from the back wall of the space, but may not exceed a height of 36 inches in the remaining area of the booth, and must be designed and constructed so as not to detract from the appearance of the adjoining booths or the exhibit floor.

The space provided will be as shown on the floor plan insofar as possible, but Houston BOMA reserves the right to make changes at any time in the location, size and display limits of any booth if this is in the best overall interest of the exhibit.

Use of Exhibit Space

No exhibitor may sublet, assign or apportion any part of the space allotted, or represent, advertise or distribute literature for the product or service for any other firm or individual except as approved in writing by Houston BOMA. The purposes of the exhibit are to inform and educate Expo attendees regarding services and uses of the products. Sales or orders may not be solicited or taken.


Houston BOMA reserves the right to restrict exhibits which, because of noise, odor, method of operation, or any other reason, become objectionable or otherwise detract from or are out of keeping with the character of the Houston BOMA Expo. It may forbid installation or request removal or discontinuance of any exhibit or promotion which, if continued, departs substantially from the design and description given advance approval. In the event of such restrictions or evictions, Houston BOMA is not liable for any refund of rental or other expenses.

Advertising, displays, demonstrations, conferences, and entertainment, in the interest of business are not permitted except by firms that have rented space to exhibit. Music is not permitted.


Exhibitors operating sound motion picture equipment, record players, loud-speakers or any other noise-creating devices shall do so only at a level which will not interfere with other exhibitors or add unduly to general acoustic inconvenience or Houston BOMA may require all demonstrations, interviews and other exhibit activities be halted so as not to infringe on the rights of other exhibitors or of fend visitors to the exhibit.

No undignified manner of attracting attention will be permitted. All booth attendants shall be dressed modestly and in good business taste.


Houston BOMA and BOMA Expo are environments in which all people are expected to behave in a manner that engenders mutual respect, treating each other with courtesy and civility regardless of position or status within the company. Rude, disrespectful behavior is unwelcome and will not be tolerated. Lack of respectful and civil conduct by exhibitors will result in a formal report to the Houston BOMA Board of Directors and the possibility of being excluded from future Expos.

Souvenirs and Samples

Distribution of souvenirs and samples in a dignified fashion is permitted provided there is no interference with other exhibits, and the souvenirs or samples pertain to or contribute to the exhibits. Houston BOMA may withhold or withdraw permission to distribute souvenirs, advertising or other materials it considers objectionable.

You are welcome to give away prizes at your booth. Please note that outside food and alcohol is not permitted. Bottles of alcohol, even if sealed or in a gift basket, are not permitted at the show by George R. Brown. If you would like to give away a bottle of alcohol, we recommend displaying a photo of your item and coordinating the giveaway after the show. 

Fire Regulations

Booth decorations and construction must conform to the fire regulations of the City of Houston and the facility. Combustible or explosive materials and substances may not be used. Cloth and other flammable materials must be flame-proofed.


Demonstrations are defined as the part of the exhibit program involving the interaction of exhibit personnel and their audience through corporate presentations, product demonstrations, or sampling. Demonstration areas must be organized within the exhibitor’s space and may not interfere with any traffic aisle. Sampling or demonstration tables must be placed a minimum of 2 ft. from the aisle line. Should spectators or samplers interfere with the normal traffic flow in the aisle or overflow into neighboring exhibits, Expo management will request that the presentation or sampling be eliminated.

The aisles are the property of the entire show and each exhibitor has the responsibility to assure proper flow of traffic through the entire show. When large crowds gather to watch a demonstration or for sampling and interfere with the flow of traffic down aisles or create excessive crowds in neighboring booths, it is an infringement on the rights of other exhibitors. Aisles must not be obstructed at any time.

Exhibitors must police their own booths to be sure the noise levels from demonstrations or sound systems are kept to a minimum and do not interfere with others. Remember the use of sound systems or equipment producing sound is an exception to the rule, not a right. Expo management reserves the right to determine at what point sound constitutes interference with others and must be discontinued.

All product demonstrations involving any moving and potentially hazardous machines, displays or parts, must have hazard barriers to prevent accidental injury to spectators. Demonstrations must always be supervised by exhibitor personnel who can stop the demonstration in the event of an emergency and all demonstrations involving potentially hazardous by-products such as dust, fumes, sparks or flames, must be approved in writing by exposition management 60 days prior to the show.

Care of Premises

No part of an exhibit and no signs or other materials may be pasted, nailed, or otherwise affixed to walls, doors, or other surfaces in a way that might mar or deface the venue or booth equipment and furnishings. Damage from failure to observe this notice is payable by the Exhibitor.

Exhibitor’s Representative

A representative of the Exhibitor must be in attendance throughout the period of the exhibition. The Exhibitor is to notify Houston BOMA in advance who their official representative will be.

Exhibitor Name Badges

The official representatives will upon registering, receive two complimentary name badges per 10x10 booth, four complimentary name badges per 10x20 silver sponsorship booth, six complimentary name badges per 20x20 gold sponsorship booth, or ten complimentary name badges per 30x20 platinum sponsorship booth will be provided. Additional name badges will be $35 each if requested any time after submission of application or onsite.

All representatives of exhibiting companies must wear BOMA-provided identification badges while on the exhibit floor and must be employed by the exhibiting member company. No person without a name badge will be allowed on the showroom floor on the day of the Expo. No exceptions.

Exhibitor Admission Hours

There will be no set up on the day of the Expo. Following exhibitor move in, exhibitors will only be allowed on the exhibit floor two hours prior to the opening of the Expo. 

Removal of Exhibits

The exhibit hall will close promptly at the end of the Expo. Exhibits are not to be dismantled or removed, in whole or in part, prior to the official closing at 7:00 PM. Doing so will result in not being invited back to participate in future BOMA Expos. Beginning at this time, empty exhibitor boxes/crates will be returned. All break down must be complete by 9:00 PM.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

All exhibiting companies are required to be in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and are encouraged to be sensitive, and as reasonably accommodating as possible, to attendees with disabilities. Information regarding ADA compliance is available from the U.S. Department of Justice ADA Information Line, (800) 514-0301, and from the ADA website at www.usdoj.gov/crt/ada/adahom1.htm.

Structural Integrity

All exhibit displays should be designed and erected in a manner that will withstand normal contact or vibration caused by neighboring exhibitors, hall laborers, or installation/dismantling equipment, such as forklifts. Displays should also be able to withstand moderate wind effects that may occur in the exhibit hall when freight doors are open.


Any use of a vehicle within the exhibit space must be pre-approved by Show Management at least 90 days prior to show set-up.

Flammable and Toxic Materials

All materials used in display construction or decorating should be made of fire-retardant materials and be certified as flame retardant. Samples should also be available for testing. Materials that cannot be treated to meet the requirements may not be used. A flame-proofing certificate should be available for inspection. Exhibitors should be aware of local regulations regarding fire/safety and environment which must be adhered to.

Exhibitors should dispose of any waste products they generate during the exhibition in accordance with guidelines established by the Environmental Protection Agency and the facility.


Exhibitors should adhere to the following guidelines when determining booth lighting:

No lighting, fixtures, lighting trusses, or overhead lighting are allowed outside the boundaries of the exhibit space. Lighting, including gobos, should be directed to the inner confines of the booth space. Lighting should not project onto other exhibits or exhibitions aisles.

Lighting which is potentially harmful, such as lasers or ultraviolet lighting, should comply with facility rules and be approved in writing by Show Management.

Lighting that spins, rotates, pulsates, and other specialized lighting effects should be in good taste and not interfere with neighboring exhibitors or otherwise detract from the general atmosphere of the event.


Balloons are allowed on the show floor. Any balloon décor must be secured.   


Fire regulations prohibit storing product, literature, empty packing containers, or packing materials behind back drapes or under draped tables.

Towers and Canopies

A tower is a free-standing exhibit component separate from the main exhibit fixture. The height restriction is the same as that which applies to the appropriate exhibit space configuration being used.

A canopy (frame) can be either decorative or functional. Canopies for In-line and End-cap booths should comply with Line-of-Sight requirements. Canopy supports are to be no wider than three inches 3in (.08m).


Ceilings are not permitted for Inline-line and End-cap booths.

Hanging Signs & Graphics

Hanging signs are allowed for 20 x 20 booths or larger. 10 x 10 booths do not qualify for hanging signs. Height limitation from the floor to the bottom of the sign is 16ft (4.87m) and must be directly over contracted space only.

Multi-story Exhibit

A Multi-story Exhibit is a booth where the display fixture includes two or more levels. Multi-storied Exhibits require prior approval by the exhibit facility, relevant local government agency, as well as show management. The city building department needs to issue a building permit based on an application and drawings prepared and submitted by a licensed architect or engineer. Exhibitors should obtain local building regulations. All other facility rules and regulations must be followed.

Smoke Detectors

All areas that are enclosed by solid walls and ceilings must be provided with approved smoke detectors which are audible outside the area of the booth. A fire watch may also be required.

During the Expo

All main and cross aisles, corridors, exits, stair ways, etc. must be maintained at the required width at all times when the exhibit is open. All fire hose cabinets and emergency exits (including those inside an exhibit space) must be visible and accessible at all times. No obstructions (chairs, tables, displays, easels, etc.) will be allowed to protrude into the aisles.

Liability and Insurance

Houston BOMA will employ reputable guards and will take reasonable precautions to safeguard Exhibitor’s property; however, Houston BOMA assumes no liability for loss or damage, through any cause, of goods, exhibits or other materials owned, rented, or leased by the exhibitor. The Exhibitor shall indemnify against and hold harmless from any complaints, suits, or liabilities resulting from negligence of the Exhibitor in connection with the Exhibitor’s use of exhibit space.

Interpretation and Enforcement

These regulations become a part of the contract between the Exhibitor and Houston Building Owners and Managers Association. All matters in question not covered by these regulations are subject to the decision of Houston BOMA, and all decisions so made shall be binding on all parties affected by them as by the original regulations. Any exhibitor that does not adhere to contract will risk being restricted from exhibiting in future Houston BOMA Expos.