August Membership Meeting with Mayor Whitmire

Thursday, August 29, 2024
11:00 AM - 1:30 PM (CDT)
* Registration open until 8/26/24 at 5:00 PM (CST)
* Registration open until 8/26/24 at 5:00 PM (CST)
Category: Special Events

Join Houston BOMA for our August Membership Meeting with City of Houston Mayor John Whitmire!

The 63rd Mayor of Houston will fill us in on his first six months in office.  

Learn About the Mayor's Priorities for Houston:

  • Strong Focus on Public Safety
  • Helping drive Houston Economic Development
  • And Bringing Houston Together


About Our Speaker, Mayor John Whitmire

John Whitmire, the former Dean of the Texas Senate, was sworn into office as Houston's 63rd Mayor on January 2, 2024. He  has served his community his entire adult life.

Throughout his career as a State Representative for 10 years and State Senator for 40, Whitmire has fought tirelessly for district representation across Houston. Notably, he played a key role in establishing the first Latino state senate district in Harris County and has been a staunch advocate for expanding access to early voting in person and Election Day polling locations in African American and Latino communities. His commitment to LGBTQ+ rights earned him the Harvey Milk Award in 1993 for his efforts against the decriminalization of the Sodomy Law. Whitmire has also been a vocal champion of women's rights, backed by a 100% voting record. He has worked tirelessly to preserve the DREAM Act, ensuring undocumented young individuals can access in-state tuition rates. Additionally, he supported workers' compensation for injured farm workers and unemployment compensation.

In a pivotal moment in his life, Whitmire and his family were robbed at gunpoint, an experience that ultimately led to his chairmanship of the Criminal Justice Committee and his fight for public safety.

As a long-serving chair of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Whitmire has demonstrated his ability to strike a balance between being tough on crime and being smart on crime by implementing intelligent reforms. He authored the Sandra Bland Act, addressing law enforcement training, jail resources, and support for individuals with mental illness, substance abuse, or intellectual differences. He also spearheaded grand jury reform, eliminating the "pick a pal" system and promoting diversity in panel selection. Additionally, he successfully led efforts to decriminalize school behavior and expunged thousands of class C misdemeanors from the records of young Texans.

When called on by the people of Houston to run for mayor, Whitmire eagerly accepted the challenge because he believes in answering the call wherever it leads. With a wealth of experience working alongside nine mayors and seven governors, he possesses invaluable knowledge in public safety, infrastructure, and effective problem-solving.

John Whitmire's extraordinary life experiences, unwavering dedication, and a proven track record in getting things done make him a true public servant committed to the well-being of Houstonians.

Thank you to our sponsor, Promise Total Services!

Credits Price
Member Registration
Non-Member Registration
Credits Price
Table Sponsor
Restricted to Member-Only
Table Sponsor (Non-Member)


August 29
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM Registration Opens
11:45 AM - 11:50 AM Welcome Announcements
11:45 AM - 12:30 PM Lunch
12:20 PM - 12:25 PM Guest Speaker Introduction and Announcements
12:25 PM - 1:00 PM Guest Speaker Presentation
Mayor Whitmire
1:05 PM - 1:10 PM Closing Statements
1:30 PM Event Concludes
* Registration open until 8/26/24 at 5:00 PM (CST)
* Registration open until 8/26/24 at 5:00 PM (CST)

Thank You to Our Sponsor, Promise Total Services!

For More Information:

Victoria Ferrell

Victoria Ferrell

Manager of Meetings and Events