7777 Pannell St. Houston, TX 77021


Allied & Professional

Member Since: 2017

Photo of JOBS/AMST

Organization Overview

Beginning in 1970 as a window cleaning business, JOBS-AMST has continually evolved to add services and solve our customers' toughest problems concerning their exterior building surfaces. Our storied history of delivering quality results on time and safely, combined with over 50 years of experience, provides our customers with the utmost confidence in our abilities to get the job done right.

JOBS-AMST combines decades of experience in skyscraper maintenance, window washing, waterproofing, elevator redesign, and preventive maintenance for metal, stone and wood surfaces. Continuing the legacy of LaRue Coleman, JOBS-AMST believes in a future where all buildings get the maintenance they need, at the right price, and without risking liability.
Photo of JOBS/AMST


Monica Pfeiffer

Regional Sales Manager

Wade Shelton

Business Development Manager