Reflect on Our Outstanding 90th Year in Our Annual Report

Awards & Recognition,

Houston BOMA is proud to present our 2024 Annual Report! It was a year of celebration as we marked our 90th anniversary and reached major milestones for our organization. In our Annual Report, we share how we expanded our advocacy, membership, events, education, and resources, and how this shapes our priorities moving forward.

The report includes:

  • A message from our CEO, Bradley Elliott, MBA, CAE, and goals for our future
  • Our major advocacy wins and what they mean for you
  • Updates on the Houston BOMA Foundation and our first-ever scholarship recipients
  • Event recaps with links to photos and videos
  • Our 2024 Leadership Lyceum, Member of the Year Award Recipients, and TOBY Winners
  • An expense and income breakdown for financial transparency

Learn about all of our activities this year, see photos, and get updates on anything you may have missed in our latest Annual Report.

Read the Report